Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Spotify is coming to the US, invites are open now

Spotify is coming to the US, invites are open now -- Engadget:

It's happening. The music streaming service that has won over the collective heart of Europe is finallymaking the puddle jump that we've been waiting for. Spotify just threw up a US landing spot, inviting eager Americans to jump in line for a table at the party. Meanwhile, we just received confirmation on our own end that things are finalizing for testing here in the States, and we'll be sure to report back just as soon as our credentials clear. We should note, however, that there's still no definitive time table to report, but it's fairly obvious that those final record deals are close enough to done to call this thing a victory. Now, the real question: are you signing up in the source link below, or are any of those other guys still tugging at your heartstrings?

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