Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hackers expose flaw in Apple iPad, iPhone software

Hackers expose flaw in Apple iPad, iPhone software | Reuters

Hackers have disclosed a bug in software from Apple Inc that security experts said could be exploited by criminals looking to gain remote control over iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch devices.

The security flaw in Apple's iOS operating system came to light on Wednesday as the website released code that Apple customers can use to modify the iOS operating system through a process known as 'jail breaking.'

Some Apple customers choose to jail break their devices so they can download and run applications that are not approved by Apple or use iPhone phones on networks of carriers that are not approved by Apple.

Security experts warned that criminal hackers could download that code, reverse engineer it to identify a hole in iOS security and build a piece of malicious software within a few days.

Apple has yet to release an update to iOS that protects customers against malicious software that exploits the flaw.

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