Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Digg Blog, Welcome to Digg v1

Digg Blog, Welcome to Digg v1:

Really excited to see one of my all time favorite blogs getting a reboot.  Digg had gone so downhill over the past few years that I completely stopped visiting.  Pretty excited that Kevin Rose and the gang saw the worth of the dying beast and decided to pump some new life into it.

On July 20, we announced that we were turning Digg back into a startup and rebuilding it from scratch in six weeks. After an intense month and a half, we managed to get the new Digg up and running on a fresh code base and infrastructure. We now have a solid foundation on which to build, and we expect to build fast. Yesterday, we previewed the new Digg applications for web, iPhone, and mobile web and today we’re happy to share Digg v1.

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